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Are you looking to hire a carpet cleaning machine in Elwood? You should read our site before you make that mistake and pull the trigger!

If you are here today looking to find out where to hire a machine you won’t find it here. What you will find is some information on why it’s a bad choice. This is not about us getting your business at all. This is about educating you and helping you avoid expensive carpet damages.

The tough love lesson here today is about exactly that. All you have to do is go on YouTube and look for DIY mistakes and you’ll be out of breath laughing. Don’t let your carpet end up being a DIY laughing case.

The real goal here today is a simple one. To make you understand that…


It’s that simple. If you call us today to get a quote then we will happily help you out. If you don’t. We don’t mind. We know that we have stopped a disaster in your home and that’s what matters to us.

Carpet is very particular and cleaning it needs care and attention. One stop shopping is asking for problems. It’s really no different to going to a random restaurant and demanding a pizza when they only do Greek food for example. You can’t get another type of food just because they sell food.

On occasion, and have to laugh, as we get a customer calling us and explaining they want a professional service. And they ask very particular questions like what machines we use and so on.

Most of the time, this is due to the fact that we are the second company they have called. The first was a booking they made and some random person impersonated being a highly experienced carpet cleaning professional. But showed up in an unmarked car (no company branding) and a rug doctor.

Like we said before, we can only laugh, as we side with these customers. We know why they never let the person clean their carpets and we are more than happy to answer all their questions when they call us with a bit of skepticism. Which is always dissolved by the time we are done talking and get them booked in.

We could go on for the next 5 hours. But let’s not do that. We think you get the point. Leave the cleaning to the experts. If you don’t want to end up with an expensive carpet repair bill just hire a professional.

Don’t wait! Get booked in today. Call us on (631) 212-0900

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