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Do you have a dirty mattress that is in need of cleaning in Woodbury, N.Y.? We will bring you mattress back to life by removing any stains and odors you might be dealing with.
When you get to that point where you run your finger across the top of your mattress and it feels sticky its way past due for a professional mattress clean. As time goes by your mattress builds up with allergens, sweet, germs and bugs. You need to look after your mattress just like you look after yourself.
When it comes to a healthy home. A healthy mattress that is clean and germ-free should also come to mind.
A dirty mattress can be a breeding ground of nasty bugs that are really bad for your health. If you or your family sufferers from allergies it’s even more important to keep a healthy mattress to avoid further health issues.
If you have spilled something on your mattress the longer you wait the worse it will get. You should deal with spills and stains quite fast.
Curious to know how we actually clean your mattress? Well, it’s very simple and almost like when we clean carpets. We give the mattress a general vacuum to remove any dirt and dust. Then we get to work with our special deep steam cleaning upholstery machine. We are done in about 30 minutes. And 15 minutes later or so your mattress is dry and ready to be used once again.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to look after your mattress. It should be treated with care like any investment. As it’s an investment in your health. It’s not just a piece of fabric with spring.
We can be reached on (631) 212-0900 to answer any question and lock in your booking.