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Does your mattress have some food stains you can’t remove? Is there a lingering odor? Or has it been long enough without a clean and you know it’s about time? We offer professional mattress cleaning services in Brentwood.

Using normal things like bedsheets and mattress protectors doesn’t completely prevent a mattress from getting dirty over-time. And you don’t even need to spill anything directly on that mattress. It still gets dirty! A good way to think about how a mattress can act is just like your skin. While you cover your skin with say a pair of jeans. You still need to shower to clean your skin. Just like a mattress needs to be cleaned.

Taking care of your health is not just about a good diet and exercise. You should also be sleeping on a clean mattress.

If you don’t clean your mattress then you will end up sleeping on years’ worth of nasty build-up. If you have allergies it’s even more important for you to keep a clean mattress. Did you know that the average person sweets the equivalent of one cup of water each night? Imagine how many other things that can trigger allergies are hiding in your mattress.

If you have spilled something on your mattress the longer you wait the worse it will get. You should deal with spills and stains quite fast.

Our cleaning process for mattresses is quite simple. First, we vacuum the mattress with a special vacuum and then we deep steam clean to get rid of all the germs and sweat build up. About 30 minutes later your mattress is smelling fresh and clean.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to look after your mattress. It should be treated with care like any investment. As it’s an investment in your health. It’s not just a piece of fabric with spring.

To get a quote please contact us directly on (631) 212-0900 and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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