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When you are looking for a type of carpet cleaning method to use it’s generally best to leave that choice to the experts who you hire to do your cleaning work. With years of on the job experience, they can tell you if dry carpet cleaning would be suitable for your situation. But, as you are here today. Below is a little information about this cleaning method.

This type of cleaning is a little different to wet cleaning. A special powder is sprinkled on the carpet beforehand and left to settle for a period of time before being cleaned off. This power is generally bio-degradable and totally safe. It acts like a sponge sucking up everything that makes your carpet dirty.

Once it’s time to actually clean the carpets a special machine is used to push the powder deep into the carpet fibers. Then a special and high powered vacuum is used to suck up all the powder that has attached itself to all the dirt and grime in the carpet.

The end result is that no water is used so you can walk on the carpet as soon as it’s done.

The powder that is used on the carpet is perfectly safe and by the time the cleaning process is complete there will be no power left over anyhow.

While dry carpet cleaning has its advantages especially when there is zero dry time it’s unlikely that it’s going to become as popular as deep steam cleaning any time soon.

If you want to book in your cleaning session then call us today. If we don’t have a technician available that can see you with the right dry cleaning equipment we can always offer a comparable solution.

Kill the dirt once and for all! Book your cleaning right now. Call us on (631) 212-0900

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