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Almost every other person who calls us asks if the carpet cleaning service includes washing with shampoo. This type of service used to be popular until around the 1970s.
For years, carpet shampoo cleaning has been an outdated type of cleaning. Thanks to deep steam cleaning (also known as hot water extraction) waiting for carpets to dry out has now been significantly faster. It is because of this that most companies prefer the latter and it is now difficult to find companies that still do shampooing.
Deep steam cleaning has a lot more edge over carpet shampooing if you think about it. It’s a lot easier to use and carry around as the apparatus is usually lightweight. Also, because the process only uses steam, it dries up almost instantly. While in the past, you would have longer waiting times to dry as thick shampoo layers usually drenching the carpet.
After the carpets are clean and what seems like a lifetime has gone by for the drying to take place the carpet will feel like they have a sticky residue left over.
This sticky residue will only attract more dust and dirt to the carpet requiring it to be cleaned more often. You’ll also notice a yellowish stain on the carpet later as an effect of the chemicals used in the process.
With the presence of better methods, shampoo cleaning is almost never used. Unless it’s the worst carpet situation like those really heavy stains, mud, and practically black looking carpets. And the carpet has been like this for years.
Overall, these conditions are enough to rationalize shampooing your carpets. However, it’s really not needed as there is nothing deep steam cleaning can’t do.
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