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Area rugs need to be maintained to avoid dust, pests, as well as allergies. It’s a good thing there are professional cleaners out there who can help. Like our company.
There’s no better company to handle your area rug cleaning that us. We are one of the longest standing companies in Lake Panamoka.
First, our team of cleaning experts will assess whether the service will be done within your premises or if it will be brought to our cleaning facility. This will depend on the type of rug that you have.
Is your area rug handmade and in need of more intricate care? Then the cleaning will have to be done at our factory. We have a pick-up and delivery service that you can take advantage of so there is no inconvenience for you.
We can clean your rug no matter the type. Be it Oriental, Persian, Chinese, Turkish, Indian, Viscose, European, Modern Wool, Silk or even normal store bought rugs.
Avoid health risks, such as allergies from dust, grime, and allergens. These can sometimes be very hard to spot when cleaning area rugs on your own, especially on darker rugs. That is why it is better to let professionals do it.
It is best to let the professionals handle cleaning your specialty area rugs. Our highly trained staff use only certified cleaning methods, while you sit back and relax.
Kill the dirt once and for all! Book your cleaning right now. Call us on (631) 212-0900