Home >> NY >> Residential Carpet Cleaning >> Deer Wells >> Pet Stain Odor Removal

It’s true how having pets can instantly brighten one’s mood and home. It’s a feeling non-pet owners wouldn’t ever understand.
Along with the joy and cuddles, comes the mess that can’t be avoided.
It could be the muddy paw prints on the rug after a long walk outside, or the cat or dog could’ve accidentally peed on the carpet despite numerous attempts at potty training.
While pet urine stains can be cleaned very easily with multi-purpose cleaners it’s what happens over time that causes the problems. The carpet can get discolored even if you used a sanitizer on the stain, the smell can return.
Your nose adapts to your environment you’re in making it hard for you to detect foul odors that may have never been fully clean from your pet’s urine stains with DIY cleaning work. This can be embarrassing when guests come over and smell it immediately.
The only thing you need to do, to properly get rid of pet urine stains, is to seek the help of experts like us. We use special chemicals and equipment so there will be no lingering odors that will come back.
Odor-causing bacteria has to be completely removed immediately from the carpet with pet urine. It’s basically guaranteed that we can remove pet urine stains no matter how old. Although, the sooner you call us, the less chance for long term damage of your carpets.
Just one last thing, despite the trouble they caused, spare them from the yelling. Remember they didn't do it intentionally.
Call us on (631) 212-0900 to get a quote today!