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DIY carpet cleaning can save you a good amount of cash vs hiring a professional in Nassau Point, Ny. But is it worth the risk? Read below to find out.
We can’t recommend you clean your own carpets and have a good conscious about it. There are too many things that can go wrong by hiring something like a rug doctor. Is a rug doctor a good machine? For the price, yes it is. But it’s the lack of experience that the person using it brings is the issue. We would hate to see you up for thousands in replacement costs for new carpet as something went wrong.
Can you imagine for a moment if a company has been in business for twenty years? Could you imagine all the DIY mistakes they have fixed? The crazy attempts at DIY fixes they have seen?
Well, you’re on their website right now. We have seen it all!
Our goal here today is to save your carpet. Even if you don’t call us and use our services at least we have done our job and educated you that carpet cleaning should be left to the professionals.
Treating your carpet as a one-stop shopping mall is pretty much like, the saying, failing to plan is planning to fail. You wouldn’t go to a pharmacy and demand to see a brain doctor. It’s a wild comparison sure but it’s kind of the same. DIY carpet cleaning vs professional services.
On occasion, and have to laugh, as we get a customer calling us and explaining they want a professional service. And they ask very particular questions like what machines we use and so on.
Most of the time, this is due to the fact that we are the second company they have called. The first was a booking they made and some random person impersonated being a highly experienced carpet cleaning professional. But showed up in an unmarked car (no company branding) and a rug doctor.
Like we said before, we can only laugh, as we side with these customers. We know why they never let the person clean their carpets and we are more than happy to answer all their questions when they call us with a bit of skepticism. Which is always dissolved by the time we are done talking and get them booked in.
To wrap this up. Take this perspective and answer the following question. Be honest…
Are you a professional with years of experience in cleaning carpets?
Yes: Well, you’d never use a cheap DIY machine and you know it!
No: Then it’s time to hire the professionals.
Book today on (631) 212-0900